Previously on OrgTech Review
Most clicked: Colony Q1 2019 Update, Aragon Public Roadmap, DAOstack Technical Analysis of the Genesis Alpha Hack.
Project News
Introducing aragonSDK. Aragon's dev resources are now grouped under the umbrella of aragonSDK, accessible via a new developer portal.
Aragon Court PoC and Kleros Integration - an AraCon presentation by Luke Duncan and Bingen Eguzkitza.
Bounties Network
TCRs 2.0: Self Curating Lists. Self-curating lists rely on the intrinsic desire of list members to improve their own reputation, rather than the profit motive of external token holders. By virtue of being on the list, their expert-curation is likely more "wise" than the crowd-curation proposed by TCRs 1.0.
Collective One
_Prtcl ("underscore protocol") landing page launched.
Edgeware (by Commonwealth Labs)
The Third Web #15 - Edgeware & Parity. Governance discussion starts at 13:43.
Continuous Organizations (by Fairmint)
Projects not featured in this update
Aragon (DAC, Autark), Blackbox, Colony, Common Interest, CONE, Convergent, Cordite, Covee, CRE8, Daonuts, DAOstack, district0x, dOrg, eInc, EthKan, Giveth, GovBlocks, Greaterthan Cobudget, Jur, Kleros, Loomio, Moloch, Oath Protocol, Open Collective, open source coin, Otonomos, P2P Models, Pando Network, Prism Labs, Sobol, Swae, Talao, Thetta, Tribute, and xDAC.
If you are with one of these projects and have news to share next time, let me know!
Brain Food
Past, Present, Future: From Co-ops to Cryptonetworks: Cryptonetworks represent a shift towards cooperative capitalism, with participatory ownership models that would prevent platforms from adopting extractive practices once they reach maturity. Cryptonetworks make cooperative governance more efficient, but we should still be mindful of the lessons we can learn from the history of cooperatives.
Markets Are Eating The World: An in-depth history of how various innovations have reduced transaction costs and increased coordination scalability, arguing that blockchains realise the next evolution in "the death of the firm".
Unchained Podcast (and Transcript) with Glen Weyl and Santiago Siri: How Blockchains Can Help Create Little Democracies Everywhere: A governance discussion that touches on e-voting, quadratic finance, identity, and more.
Why Voting Tokens Are F**king Horrible, And 4 Ways to Fix Them: Market noise means it doesn't matter whether token holders effectively govern the project, leading to low voter participation. Solutions might include using non-transferable tokens, a la Moloch DAO, to eliminate this market noise, or treating tokens like reputation. See Aragon's response here.
Day One Governance: Governance systems should be clearly defined up-front and ratified by community members. Otherwise, they risk power creep and inefficiency, which may lead to unilateral decision-making by those in power (in the name of efficiency), which in turn may lead to community fracture and, ultimately, forking.
Crypto Governance: The Startup vs. Nation-State Approach: Base-layer protocols should be governed like nation states, because security is their most important property, whereas protocols further up the stack can afford to take more startup-like risks.
Beyond OrgTech
Threads emerges from stealth with $10.5M from Sequoia for a new take on enabling work conversations: Threads, a new workplace communications tool, places an emphasis on guiding asynchronous discussion and marking decision points for future reference.
Sony, Fujitsu Aim to Make Educational Data 'Unfalsifiable' With Blockchain: They have launched a field trial testing digital certificates which store data on study logs and test grades.
Big Four Auditor PwC Trials Blockchain System for Verifying Employee Credentials: Their Smart Credentials platform will help employers manage digital certificates for professional qualifications.
Oxford iLabour Project - Networked but Commodified: The (Dis)Embeddedness of Digital Labour in the Gig Economy: The commodification of online work has eroded protections for labour in the developing world (hired by clients in the developed world), who often find themselves doing unpaid labour, spending 16h/week searching/training/waiting for work, and being fired on the spot.
The Way We Work Is Broken. Here's The Evidence.: Only 15% of employees are engaged at work, burnout is on the rise, and organisation design is a top priority for HR leaders.