Project News
Aragon Agent beta released. Agent is a DAO-owned Ethereum account, which can act on behalf of the DAO (subject to permission granted by governance) to interact with any Ethereum contract, protocol, and other DAOs. This is a crucial piece of infrastructure for trustless DAO-environment interactions, which opens the door to many DAO-Web3 integrations (more examples here).
Ocean Protocol Whitepaper v2.0 published. The original TCR is replaced with localised "clans" that will be governed by Aragon DAOs.
An experiment by OpenLaw issued legal LLC shares via an Aragon DAO.
Bringing Your Own Governance Model to Aragon - Melonport M-1 conference.
Can Aragon Build an Unstoppable Robotic Government? - BreakerMag.
Bounties Network
Bounties Network had a busy ETHDenver, partnering with UNICEF, Status, Opera, and more.
Empowering Humans to Incentivize and Self-Organize - EthHub Podcast.
Collective One
An overview (+ advanced) of Collective One's nested chats and boards interface and the "_Protocol" for co-creation.
New 1tx payment method and improved docs make it easier to integrate Colony's programmable incentives into your dApps. Check out this overview to learn more about Colony's developer use cases.
Q1 2019 Update - a deep reflection on Colony's experience developing dApps, smart contracts, and crypto-economic primitives, and a look forward at the upcoming Colony dApp.
Continuous Organizations (by Fairmint)
From an r/ethtrader moderator, r/Daonuts is a community project that seeks to develop Ethereum-based governance tools for subreddits.
dxDAO delayed until no earlier than April 15th, due to a bug that allowed attackers to delete DAO proposals before they pass. Learn more about the dxDAO at EthHub or Epicenter (w/ transcripts) and check out the demo UI.
Genesis Alpha hacked, draining ~$15k. Genesis is the first DAOstack DAO, an experiment run in collaboration with the project's community. The bug, which allowed the attacker to take control of Genesis' Reputation using a different DAO, doesn't affect the dxDAO.
MolochDAO was deployed to mainnet at ETHDenver. Check out the whitepaper and audit report.
Open Collective
Pando Network
Projects not featured in this update
Blackbox, Braintrust, Common Interest, Commonwealth, CONE, Convergent, Cordite, Covee, CRE8, Deconet, district0x, dOrg, eInc, EthKan, Giveth, GovBlocks, Greaterthan Cobudget, Jur, Loomio, Oath Protocol, open source coin, Otonomos, P2P Models, Prism Labs, Sobol, Swae, Talao, Thetta, Tribute, and xDAC.
If you are with one of these projects and have news to share next time, let me know!
Brain Food
Cryptonetwork Governance as Capital: Joel Monegro argues that long-term token value is driven by a "governance premium", in which the value of governance tokens are proportional to the value of the resources they entitle token holders to govern.
No such thing as decentralised governance: working towards the crypto trias politica: Lawrence Lundy argues that "separation of powers" is a more appropriate governance framework than corporate, foundation, or on-chain governance.
Verified Curation Markets & Graduating Token Bonding Curves: Simon de la Rouviere presents a bonding curve variant in which a curator can only sell their token back into the curve once their token has been graduated (i.e. their curation work was verified as useful).
The Mutualized Revolution: Aleksandr Bulkin provides an overview of mutualisation, framed as a centralised-decentralised hybrid.
Beyond OrgTech
How China's Appliance Giant Helped Wipe out GE's Middle Managers: After acquiring General Electric Appliances, China's Haier Group transformed the organisation with its "rendanheyi" management philosophy, in which large corporations operate as an ecosystem of micro-enterprises. This has contributed to growth in GEA's revenue by 11%. Read more about Haier’s collective corporation model in this HBR case study.
Dis-assembling IKEA: Ikea is attempting to keep up with the platform economy by acquiring TaskRabbit, so that you can hire gig workers to assemble your furniture for you.
Paradoxically, platforms like Uber and Deliveroo could be good for labor unions: An opinion piece arguing that trade union and platform interests may be more aligned than we realise.
Swiss e-voting trial offers $150k in bug bounties to hackers: The Swiss government have developed an e-voting system, which they're now testing with a bug bounty detailed here. Experts are already finding problems with the system.